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Child Care Resource Center for Providers

Did you know that according to our Child Care Resource and Referral Needs Assessment, Schoharie County has a desperate need for infant child care?  This means that there are infants out there who still need a quality child care provider to care for them.  By visiting our Child Care Resource and Referral Website, you have taken the first step in becoming a licensed or registered child care provider and we hope to have more providers like you willing to care for infants in the future!

Our dedicated staff is here to assist you in completing the steps needed to start your own child care business, whether it’s infant, toddler, preschool or school age care.  The following are just a few of the benefits of becoming a licensed and registered provider.


  • Stay at home with your own children while running a business
  • Access to education, training and funding resources that will help get your business started and maintain your business
  • Tax deductions related to running a home business
  • An opportunity for a good self-sufficient or second income
  • Referrals from our department to help build your business and its clientele
  • A lending library –which offers a variety of books, videos and other valuable resources for you to borrow. Library is open during regular hours of operation: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. -4:00 p.m.
  • Training for your family or group family child care program
  • Technical Support Services
  • Assistance with registration process, including Grant opportunities to help get your business started.
  • Best of all, our services are no cost to providers

To become a provider, contact the Child Care Resource Center team at 518-234-2568 or Toll free: (866) 849-2402 and start the process.

ChildCare Aware – Are you thinking about becoming a child care provider? Parents across the United States need quality child care. You have the opportunity to start your own family child care home or child care center while also helping families in your community. There are many things to consider before you decide to open a child care business. These Provider Pages give you information to help you make this important decision.

New York State Office of Children and Family Services – The Office of Children and Family Services also provides support for people and organizations that are interested in starting day care programs in their communities. As a general rule, any day care program planning to serve three or more children for more than three hours a day on a regular basis must obtain a license or registration certificate. To obtain this certificate, the applicant must show that the day care program meets requirements that the state has established to help ensure the health and safety of children in care. The Office maintains a network of Regional Offices that can provide you with application materials, information about the process of starting a program, and help with understanding the legal requirements.

Provider Newsletter

 Jan. – March 2025

Provider Needs Assessment

Provider Needs Assessment

Outside Links

New York State Office of Children and Family Services Frequently Asked Questions – Licensing information.

Child and Adult Care Food Program – CACFP (Call Child Care Resource Center to enroll) – USDA Food Program Information: This food program helps you pay for meals and snacks served to children up to age 13 enrolled in your daycare. Joining the program is free!

PDP’s Early Childhood Education and Training Program PDP’s Early Childhood Education and Training Program has developed and delivered high-quality training to early care educators in New York State since 1992. This training prepares educators with the latest information on child development from birth through age 12, and demonstrates how to put this knowledge into practice to create environments and experiences that promote optimal growth and development.

The New York State Office of Children and Family Services, Bureau of Training offers FREE 24/7 online:

Educational Incentive Program (EIP) – The Educational Incentive Program (EIP) is a scholarship program funded by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (NYS OCFS). Its purpose is to assist child care providers in paying for the professional development training and education they need to provide quality care to children.

New York State Association for the Education of Young Children (NYSAEYC) – The New York State Association for the Education of Young Children’s (NYSAEYC) mission is to promote excellence in early care and education services for NYS children and families, through education, advocacy and the support of the profession.

AfterSchool Works! New York – Formerly the New York State School-Age Care Coalition, AfterSchool Works! New York is the official state affiliate of the National Afterschool Association and serves as a non-profit membership association for afterschool professionals in New York State.

Contact Us

Want to find out more about how the Child Care Resource Center can help your business assist your employees with their child care needs? Reach out for information:  (518) 234-2568
Toll Free: (866) 849-2402